Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cute overload

Ella stayed home sick and hung out with me all day.
You know, we went to Target and then watched some Yo Gabba Gabba and did some laundry. All in all, not a bad day. At least, I didn't think so.

But the minute we went to pick up Marina from school, Ella ran over to her and gave her a gigantic hug. Then Marina rubbed her back and was all, "are you ok?" And then they hugged some more.
On the ride home, Ella reached over to hold Marina's hand and they didn't let go until we got to Jamba Juice, which is, at least 8 entire minutes.

Really, I don't know what I did that drove Ella into the protective arms of her sister, but I hope I do it again.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Forgive me while I get weird about PJ

Today I was on super deadline and the music in my headphones was a bit louder than usual and this song came on.

I was struck by how great it still is 16 years later. I don't know how she makes the instruments sound like they're crying and telling their own story. It's all tense and stressful and beautiful.

Sorry. I know I am ridiculous when it comes to PJ Harvey.

But it got me thinking, what if I never heard this album? What would have happened to me? Where would I be?

Friday, September 25, 2009

Why the 90s were awesome

It turns out today is the 10-year anniversary of the day my favorite TV show of all time - "Freaks and Geeks" - premiered.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Mouse cult

If you're from Southern California, Disneyland is just something you do.

Before I met Matt, I never saw anything wrong with this. But he and other people (hello Bostonians) have it in their mind that Disneyland is just another evil corporate empire.

Sure, it is that.

But it's also the most amazing, happiest place in the entire world.

I converted Matt years ago. And on Friday I added three more first-timers to the list:

Let's hear it for Ella! Who couldn't contain her excitement during "It's A Small World."

And Marina! Who upon walking into a room with Mickey Mouse ran straight for a hug.
How could anyone hate the Mouse?

Finally there's Barnaby! He couldn't resist the cheesingly awesome jokes aboard the Jungle Cruise!

Juice or no juice

We bought just one pineapple juice at Disneyland.

And then the cutest thing happened:

Marina Ballerina

For the boys, it was moving day. For Marina, it was the first day of ballet!

No parents or crybabies allowed in Miss Rachel's class.

So I had to take this picture through the frosted glass. She's the smallest one on the right.

Monday, September 14, 2009

In transition

We are in the middle of moving.

I was super worried that our new house was much too small. But the girls have decided that they want to share a room. Because they are best friends.

What was supposed to be Marina's luxuriously huge room is now a playroom/office. So I can update this blog AND watch the kids at the same time. Genius idea, girls!

So far, naptimes are a total bust.

But the night is going all right, mostly because Matt goes in there and tells them stories about blasting off in a rocket ship and going to the zoo.