Monday, August 4, 2008

Ella, Ella, Ella

This has been a crazy Ella week.

OK, so first the kid learns how to crawl. It's only been a week and she already crawls on grass! Down steps! On tile! And across the hall fast enough to poke her head at the door when Matt comes home from work.


The other day while Marina was off seeing boats with Mima, Ella and I grabbed the Bjorn and went on a walk to Windmill Farms. Anytime someone walked by us, Ella waved at them. She waved with such confidence and charm that it felt like I had the mayor of Del Cerro strapped to my body.

Later, we got home and I was like, Ella, you're so nice to everyone. BRAVO! And what did the kid do? I swear to you, she clapped.
And then she got another teething biscuit for her efforts.

I realize that this mundane stuff is only interesting to me and maybe her dad and grandparents. (And you too, Kim! Squirrels Forever!) Sometimes, though, I just gotta brag.

Speaking of bragging, my genius child also sprouted her first teeth.

Watch out, Marina. You're about to be smooshed back. And smooshed hard.

1 comment:

Kim said...

OMG! I received honorary mention!! That made my day!:) "The mayor of Del Cerro strapped to my chest." Made me laugh out loud in my cubicle!

Squirrels Forever! :):)