Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Adventure day: Drybar

Sometimes being a part-timer is stressful and depressing. But other days it frees me up to go on solo adventures.

(I had quite an adventure yesterday too, when I took the girls to Sea World all day - for nine hours - by myself.)

But this adventure was what some people would call "me-time," but I won't say that because I hate when people say "me-time."

I've been pretty vocal about how excited I am about Drybar opening in San Diego. Drybar is a salon that only does blow-dries. Because they don't cut or color or anything else, I don't feel guilty going there. I don't feel like I'm betraying my mom, who is a hairdresser herself (and a very good one).

The salon is literally like a bar, a very fancy, pretty bar. It's a bunch of chairs all in a row and you can pick the kind of straight hair you want from a little book. I got the generic one: straight with some "body" or whatever.

My hair got washed and then dried straight while they gave me Diet Coke, had "The Devil Wears Prada" with captions on a TV in front of me and they had so many gossip magazines that I felt like I had to read one. (Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez in Hawaii? What? Really?)

It was all presented so nicely, everything had a lovely yellow accent to it that I don't think I'll wash my hair until after my high school reunion weekend, whether I go to it or not. (And that's really the heart of this story, but I'm not getting into it.)

So here's the result


Darlene said...

Your hair looks great, almost beachy.

I've been hearing good things about Drybar but no reason has popped up to try it except that I'm curious.

I'm going to a high school reunion this weekend but it's in Nevada and I don't think Paul's classmates would appreciate my new hairdo.

nina said...

I think going to somebody else's reunion definitely deserves a new hairdo.

M said...

you look FABulous, dahling... xo

Valeria said...

WHAT? How did I not know about this place???

nina said...

It just opened. Like this week. But it's definitely worth the trip.