Thursday, June 16, 2011

This is how I make lemonade

Today I became a casualty of the newspaper industry.
Sort of.
I didn't lose my job, but I did become a part-time employee. Though because I'm still part of the company, I will not get into details or feelings or any of that. (Sure, I've got feelings and (not many) details but that's not what this post is about.)

Aside from announcing my availability for freelance work, this unexpected news has inspired me to change the focus of my blog. It's been without direction for a while now - aside from my insane school search, of course.

But now, it's full of focus.

See, I live in La Jolla, blocks away from (former UT publisher) David Copley's estate. We live here, in a small condo downtown, for the excellent public schools. As a family of print journalists, we aren't the stereotypical residents, but we knew that coming in.

It hasn't bothered me that I can't shop at the furniture store down the street or even get an appointment to buy clothes at certain places. (Though I have been quite vocal about the high cost of cocktails around these parts.)

The conversations at local coffeshops are about (in no particular order): Europe, business, literature, pilates, YSL, classic cars, real estate, cells and kettle bells. Once, when I was driving my VW Golf to the Y, I looked in the rear-view mirror and realized a Rolls Royce was following me.

That's just the way it is.

Even so, I've been able to buy a latte without thinking about it, just like many of my neighbors can. I've purchased Italian pasta at Jonathan's, a market with carpet. I have a flower guy.

But that's about to change. In July, I become a part-time writer/full-time mom in one of San Diego's fanciest neighborhoods. This is where I'll talk about it. Or whatever.


Barbara Gavin said...

Good luck with the lemonade. If anyone can make it work, it is you two.

Tim Scott said...
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Kristin Shea said...

I have a feeling this is just what you'll need. For what, I don't know. But we'll find out!

Jessica said...

Hi Nina,

Here's where I reveal myself as a crazy stalker. You don't know me, but I've been reading your blog for years. You see, until a year ago I worked with your mother-in-law (step-mother-in-law?) Barbara Gavin.

That's when I became a casualty of technical publishing, going from part-time to no-time.

I don't live in La Jolla, but I had to scale back my life as well. And while I still haven't figured out my next adventure, the last year has been awesome in all aspects except financial.

So in no particular order, (1) I'm very sorry to hear your news; (2) I wish you all the best; (3) and I look forward to reading these next entries assuming you don't block me from the site!


nina said...

Are you kidding, I love blog stalkers. Thanks for your note and for finally revealing yourself!