Friday, December 5, 2008

Wiped Out

November is usually my favorite month.

Ever since that one Thanksgiving weekend in 11th grade, when I went to a party with seniors and college kids and consumed a lot of wine coolers and "special cigarettes," November's always had a bit of reckless fun to it.

But not this year. November 2008 was nothing but a mess of pink eye, mouth infections, stomach flus and sleepless nights.

Sure, we got a new president and Ella turned one and those were amazing, inspiring events.

Even so, I am just TIRED and worn out. All I want to do is lay in bed for an entire weekend and watch romantic comedy reruns on TNT. And then I think that I probably won't be able to do something like that for another 10 years at least makes me a little extra crabby.



Kim said...

Ugh! I just ordered this CD bundle, maybe you should order it too...

Jacky said...

Moms weekend! We gotta plan it!