Monday, December 24, 2007


Now say hello to upside-down Ella!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Friday, December 14, 2007


This is the problem with having two bloggers in one house.

Your Daddy totally called this picture and said he was going to write about what's going on here.
But I stole it. Because it's too hilarious.

Plus there are five other pictures in the set and he's going to write something all poetic and beautiful about it. And also! He's out having breakfast with a friend and I am in my pajamas for the third day in a row like a crazy shut-in lady.

So whatever. I'm just taking it.

Anyway, our blogs have totally different audiences.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Big things

On Saturday, something big happened.

But I haven't written about it because I'm not sure if this is the kind of thing that will haunt you when you're older or give you weird bathroom issues.

I figured, however, that because you were so obviously proud of yourself, you wouldn't mind just a little mention that you peed in your potty! Wait, maybe it's not so embarrassing if I say it more dignified: You urinated in your child-sized toilet on Saturday!

Saturday was also the day you said your first sentence. Well, since you've been spending so much time with Daddy, it's probably just the first time I've heard you speak a sentence. You're probably saying sentences all day long and I have no idea.

But Saturday, we had our first outing since Ella arrived. We went to Borders for coffee and cookies and you said, "No moe cookee, da book!" (Translation: "No more cookies, the book."

And, wow. It's like one day I went to the hospital and the next I came back with a tiny baby and a very grown up Beans.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Why he gets paid more than me

The person who sort-of set me up with your Daddy said these things about him before our first date:

1. "Matt can be very stubborn. You can tell him the sky is blue and he'll argue that it's green."
2. "The best thing about Matt is that he wears his heart on his sleeve."

I didn't really understand what she meant at the time.

The stubborn thing, that one I caught on to after I suggested that his almost albino skin could benefit from a bit of sunscreen, to which he said "thanks Mom" and then did not call me for three days.

But the heart on sleeve comment, I did not have to wait very long to figure out what that meant. Three weeks, actually. Which is how long it took for us to exchange the I Love Yous.

You, however, won't even have to wait three weeks to understand what that comment means because your Daddy has started his own blog:

As you can see, it's way better than this one. There's no sarcasm or a need to be jokey or whatever. It's just an honest account of how much he loves you and your sister and me. And we're so lucky to be able to read it all in his own words. Even if it means putting up with Cranky Ricardo every now and then. (See, your Daddy would never feel the need to add that last sentence.)

Anyway, Happy almost Birthday to Daddy.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Hi Marina.
I finally had, like, three minutes to write something and then . . . these horrible noises keep coming out of your sister's diaper area.

Now I have to attend to that, so I'll just leave a few more pictures of you looking cute.

And, P.S. why have you stopped sleeping through the night?

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


This is a picture of Ella that I took on my cell phone.

I'm posting it despite the bad quality just to prove that she exists.
And to say: Two babies = hard!

One day I willhave enough of an attention span to get back to regular posts.