Friday, January 30, 2009


Marina's teacher sent a photo of their afternoon adventures:

And I don't know if I'm more jealous that Marina gets to paint on the windows or that her teacher has an iPhone.

High Five!

I've had the worst few days. Maybe it's because I feel like I have low grade bronchitis or something.

Anyway, even though I was feeling crappy, I wanted to take Alex out before he moves to South Korea.

So we went and had the biggest bowl of Guacamole at a new, trendy restaurant. I also made him drink a pitcher of sangria, which wasn't the best idea, because once we got to the Casbah, he wanted to high-five everyone in the room.

And as you can see:

the Goblin Cock crowd is not really the kind that high-fives.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


I was just going to tell everyone a story about the zoo, and how our trip there this morning was as perfect as perfect could get with two roamy kids and a dad who is off at work.
I was going to say how we saw more animals than we ever saw, including tigers and hippos and baby pandas hanging off trees. And go into detail about Ella's expanding vocabulary that includes words like fish (pronounced pish) and panda (pronounced panna).

But it is so effing freezing in this house that I am typing with my shoulders all hunched over while every other part of me is shivering.

I mean, it's 67 degrees!
Can you even blame me?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Yesterday we had a pre-Obama party at the park, where they were having a concert for kids.
Ella just wanted to run around and eat snacks.

Friday, January 16, 2009

In honor of Marina

Last night I went to see a local band called Honey Glaze. They played with a Charo/Led Zeppelin tribute band and I was there with some work friends.
We did some video interviews and took some photos.

Then we met this random guy and he really, really wanted us to wear his glasses:

So in honor of Marina and her Fourth of July birthday, we all took a turn.

Here's David:

And me:

And Derrik:

And the surprise of all surprises, those are not 3D glasses. Instead, they produce sparkles and shine. Marina's gonna love them!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Not Happy

OK, so I will share one thing.
Look, for a minute, down a few posts at the unicorn shoes.

Today, when we got to the park, I had to put them on Marina who had taken them off in the car. They totally wouldn't go on and I kept pushing and shoving and pushing some more.

And then Marina, all frustrated said: The unicorns are not happy, mom.

Wha? I mean how funny is that?
Really. I can't tell. Is that hilarious or do I find it so funny because she's my kid?

Rock Mom

I am sorry for not updating. I already broke a resolution and it's not even mid-January.

The thing is, this month is the Casbah's 20th anniversary and I've actually been going out. At night.

Friday night I went to see Lucy's Fur Coat and didn't get home until past 2 a.m. Then the girls woke up at 6:30 a.m. and we went to Sea World.
It was rough. But the show was so fun it was worth it.

Then on Monday night I went to see my old friends from Furious IV play.
The show was fun but it was even more crazy bumping into people I haven't seen in more than 10 years.

Here is a photo
(taken by Brian Taylor)

So, as you can see, I am too busy drinking beers and staying out all night to write about babies.

Oh, they're doing cute things, all right. But until "party month" is all over, I probably won't be sharing.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Happy New Year!

Here are some things I'd like to have happen as a mom this year:

1. Learn how to make a few dinners.
Like, from scratch.
I mean, if the Trader Joe's frozen section ever disappears, this family is screwed.

2. Clean the car more often.
After 2 years of being a mom, a few crackers and wrappers don't even phase me. What's gross is when there's a totally full Starbucks vanilla milk just sitting in the car getting all cheesy and rotten in the sun for five days.

3. Take more pictures.
Our camera has temper issues. Like this family. We're all seeking help.

4. Try to be as stylish as the kid.

And finally
6. Blog more!

Hope to see you a lot more in 2009.