Friday, January 2, 2009


Happy New Year!

Here are some things I'd like to have happen as a mom this year:

1. Learn how to make a few dinners.
Like, from scratch.
I mean, if the Trader Joe's frozen section ever disappears, this family is screwed.

2. Clean the car more often.
After 2 years of being a mom, a few crackers and wrappers don't even phase me. What's gross is when there's a totally full Starbucks vanilla milk just sitting in the car getting all cheesy and rotten in the sun for five days.

3. Take more pictures.
Our camera has temper issues. Like this family. We're all seeking help.

4. Try to be as stylish as the kid.

And finally
6. Blog more!

Hope to see you a lot more in 2009.


M said...

happy new year to Miss Queen of Style and the rest of the family, too! (note to self: send recipes. check.)

susanne said...


Barbara Gavin said...

Here is a recipe for a special treat meal that is easy!