Tuesday, December 4, 2007


This is a picture of Ella that I took on my cell phone.

I'm posting it despite the bad quality just to prove that she exists.
And to say: Two babies = hard!

One day I willhave enough of an attention span to get back to regular posts.


Unknown said...

oh you darling child! sweetest ella!
you make me smile -- automagically.

and you, dearest nina, sweet mama of two...
my heart flies to you. wish i were close enough to help. i would. in a heartbeat.

i love you both.


susanne said...

Que chulisima mijita, no se te olvide que no estas sola,estamos aqui para ayudarte, nomas echa un grito, porque sabemos como necesitas tu tiempo para ajustarte. Happy hanukah,Los quiero muchisimo,

Jacky said...

AMAZING...she is BEAUTIFUL! And she is smiling already! I miss you and wish I were there with you. Besos a los 4