Tuesday, December 8, 2009

H1N1 Halls

So I started the after school project and then the girls go and get super super sick and stop going to school.

Today Marina was diagnosed with Influenza A. Go ahead and read about it. So is that H1N1? They didn't say that at the doctors office, but?

If that's not freaky enough, on the way to the doctor, Marina sneezed and, I kid you not, bright, red blood came gushing out of her nose. Like a full on horror film, only with preschoolers. But apparently it's normal for someone who has been as congested as she has.

So they gave Marina the pink, bubble gum antibiotic and Ella got some Tamiflu because she's asthmatic and probably has the virus, too.

Anyway, that is why there have been no more after school projects.
Though I bet that if I'd recorded the bloody sneeze it would have made me a bigger Youtube sensation than these kids.


hilahil said...

oh gosh, nina! that sucks! hang in there...

Barbara Gavin said...

Wonderful post in so many ways: Ella with soap suds styling...image of poor Marina's bloody nose...link to Charlie bit me!