Friday, February 12, 2010

Shalom Harlow will star as me.

Yesterday was among the worst days I've had as a mother. And that's putting it nicely for the sake of the blog.

And as I was processing the death of Alexander McQueen and watching his runway shows online, I found one that captured - quite perfectly and artistically - the spirit of how I felt.

So this is how I choose to tell you about the time we went for pizza at the Blind Lady, because he tells it much more beautifully (specifically starting at the 38 second mark)than I ever could:


hilahil said...

oh girl. my heart goes out to you (and whatever you were wearing). nothing like a bad parenting day to bring you down. you are a great mama! hang in there. i will too.

susanne said...

Mijita, manana sera otro dia. Te Quiero Mucho