Thursday, March 25, 2010

The other side

Now that Marina's older, she's been asking me some questions about my dad. Like what's his name? Why does he live in Mexico?

She's only met him once or twice. Ella's never met him at all. Actually, not many of my friends have, either.

So I found this photo hiding in the depths of my email inbox. It was taken when I was pregnant with Marina.

I present to you the Garins!

That's a lot of people, but basically, my dad is on the left. I don't know why my brother looks like Lucas. My half sister is the one in black, on the other end.

We were at my step-brother's wedding in Ensenada (the couple standing next to me). Though I guess, technically, he's no longer my step-brother.

But do you even appreciate this? Even Alex is in it! This truly is among the rarest of photos in the family's history.

1 comment:

Barbara Gavin said...

Thank you for sharing. I guess I met your dad at *your* wedding...there must be pictures there.