Friday, July 1, 2011

The cost of mangoes

We recently took a trip to Ensenada, where a cup of mango sprinkled with chili and lime costs, I don't know, a dollar?

It's one of my favorite treats from Mexico, second only to the sweet lemonade they make with sparkling water.

And luckily for me, they sell Mexican style fruit cups at the farmers market next to my house. Look how pretty it is, they even have the bright tablecloths I love so much:

But, holy mother, you would not believe how much I paid for this. Seriously, take a guess. The first person to get it right wins either a brand new box of fancy "cucumber soothing eye gel" or a copy of Rick Springfield's memoir, "Late, Late at Night." Your choice.


I'll take your guesses in the comments.


m. said...

oh, tell!

has to be between 5 and 8, but delicious no matter the price...

(and besides, the school thanks you.)

nina said...

Someone got it right on Twitter: $6!