Thursday, April 24, 2008


There's a lot going on in this picture

1. This is a super cute dress you got from Grandpa Doug and Barbara's trip to Puerto Rico. Actually, this dress is Ella's. You got a blue one. But yellow is your favorite color. So you demanded that I put the yellow one on you. Who cares if it's way too short and that you can see your diaper?

2. The camera is smudged. (Or, more accurately, the phone camera because we have not replaced our broken digital camera because we are bad parents who do not want to document our childrens lives.)

3. This is you "doing gymnastics." You "do gymanstics" all the time. All the time.

4. As you can see, our new house has quite a lovely fireplace ledge and beautiful hardwood floors.


ddh said...

Blue or yellow - does't matter beans. It is always the girl IN the dress that matters

ddh said...

blue or yellow - doesn't matter beans. Its always the girl is the dress that matters