Saturday, April 25, 2009

The new game

Now that Marina is a gymnast, she climbs and jumps off things all the time. Like the red chair in her room.

But then Ella, of course, needs to get in on the action.

It's one thing when Marina jumps off the chair because, well, she actually knows how to jump and she lands on two feet and all is good.

But Ella walks to the end of the chair and lets herself drop. She stands there and waits for me to turn my head. Then I hear a terrifying THUD and she's on the floor laughing and laughing and laughing.

The first time this happened I completely freaked out.

I was like, she's not going to just walk off the chair, is she? She wouldn't. She can't. No. I'm going to let her do it just to prove to myself that she won't walk off this chair.

But she did. And she does.
It's actually super entertaining now that I know she lands like a cat and doesn't get hurt.

Still, next session, Marina is totally doing ballet.

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