Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I didn't think I'd be the type of parent who would put those "my child won student of the month at Smith elementary" stickers on my car. But then I got these two notes on the same day and I was so mushy and proud, that it seriously made me question my future actions.

Here's Ella's:

This proves what I've been saying since she was born, that Ella's the nicest person I know.

And then there's Marina's.
Her class is The Bears and she was Bear of the week. Here is her little Q&A:

*For those of you who don't speak Yiddish, nachas means "pleasurable pride, especially in your child's achievements."


Turista Libre said...


Barbara Gavin said...

I love her answers.

Orange, cause Mommy likes it.

What would you buy? jewelry and lots of chocolate

hilahil said...

mommy love orange! sweet girls.