Officially, she was done in June, but she's been going to summer camp in her exact same classroom, so it hasn't actually felt like a major transition was on the way.
But tomorrow is the last day I'll be picking her up at the place I've been picking her up since she was seven months old.
I remember being so scared to leave her there, in the baby room, when it was time for me to go back to work. And now I'm scared for her leave all that's familiar and begin a new life as a big kid.
Preschool is where she took her first steps and babbled her first words. It's where she learned about sharing and taking turns. It's where she made best friends and learned that boys will play guns even though she doesn't want them to. It's where she learned to write her name, draw pictures and memorize the Shabbat songs I sang when I was her age. It's the place that loved her as a baby and transformed her into the lovely child she is today.
And so, preschool, all I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you.
Here is Marina visiting her class at 6 weeks old. Though she was registered on this day, she didn't officially begin until five months later.
This is the day she graduated from the baby room, where she was for a year and a half.
Marina celebrates Ella's birthday in the 2-year-old classroom, where they both spent time.
The official last day of school with one of her best friends.
Oh, Nina, that made me teary eyed. Each milestone is so magical and bittersweet.
Nina, Watching you one of my blessings. Like Kristin, with a small tear in my eye. XOXO
I totally got teary eyed. Time flies. I'd love to hear more about this lovely preschool, maybe O needs to go there too.
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