Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The new normal

Remember how crazy I got when I was looking for the perfect school? The hours and hours I spent touring campuses, meeting principals, taking notes on bathroom cleanliness? How I packed up our house and moved us to a completely new neighborhood?

Well here we are, a week away from the big day, the first day of kindergarten. And once again I am freaking out. Only this time, I'm totally caught off guard by it.

I did everything I could to prepare, but I didn't really let my mind realize there'd be way more stuff to worry about.

Is my child going to make friends? Is she going to be sad when she goes to pick up her sister and sees her old friends all happy in their kindergarten uniforms? Am I going to fit in with the other parents even though we don't have a big house or extra money to buy tickets to the gala and the cocktail night and everything else?

It probably hit me hard today because Ella went to school for the first time without her sister. And it's just the first in a series of new things that will be happening before they become normal.


susanne said...

THe best picture ever. Love you. XOXOXOX

Barbara Gavin said...

Wonderful picture.
Any my heart breaks for your freaking out. We both know it'll be fine in the end. But, still....

Sending all sorts of love and positive thoughts your way.

Kristin Shea said...

Anxious but happy times! I'm super excited for them. Whatever happens will be great because they have you as their mom. p.s. How do you look 18 in that picture?

m. said...

Jessica said...

This will be me next year. But here is some comfort:

1. My son's best friend changed preschool's this year, and I freaked out. He just asked me for play-dates and has a new school best friend. They are a lot more flexible (even ones like mine that hate change) than we give them credit for.

2. You had to do this before when you started the girls in school. It's just that it all worked out so well, it's hard to remember being so anxious then. But I bet you were! (I was.)

Great picture. Good luck! And, if at all possible, splurge on something fun and relaxing that first week.