Monday, August 1, 2011

Checking in

You'd think as a part-time employee I'd have all this time to eat cookies and watch hours of Real Housewives of New York.

And you'd be right. I have done those things.

But I also haven't had an entire day off thanks to small jobs I've picked up - whether it's writing a paragraph about art or interviewing Anderson Cooper in person. (Yes!)

I don't think I'm earning the same amount of money I did before "the change," but I've been busy in a way I haven't been since I was starting out. And I really like having the juxtaposition of my regular job and being able to meet and work with new people.

Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays I often take a walk around the neighborhood while listening to Marc Maron's WTF podcast, throw in a load of laundry or cook something, sit at the little table and write.

So, anyway, that's how it's been the last month. But I know you really want to know about Anderson Cooper so here it is: he was perhaps the loveliest interview I ever had, very smart and well-spoken.

Usually, when you have 20 minutes with a celebrity, it goes by so slow because it's nervy and awkward and forced. They're not going to tell you anything too personal and how much can you really talk about a movie or album that hasn't been released yet.
But I felt like with Anderson (I call him Anderson) the interview could have gone on because he's had such a fascinating upbringing and has experienced more than most of us ever will.

Here's a link to that story.

1 comment:

m. said...

he's always been a personal favorite. nice job. xo