Sunday, July 15, 2007

An explanation . . .

The reason your lip has that strange red dot on it is because the day before your first birthday, you had your first real injury.

We bought you this new bench for your room. It's small. And you can put stuff in it. And I've always wanted to have a bench in the house so there you go. A bench.

You seemed just as excited about this new addition to your tiny room. Maybe even more so than me. So you tried to pull yourself on it and BOOM. You hit your lip and it started to bleed.

Yes, bleed. With little pools of blood gathering in your mouth and everything.

Because I have a bad habit of picking on my lips, I know what it's like to have your lip bleed and I didn't really worry about it like some other parents probably would have. Maybe it's also because you were a pretty good sport and cried for a reasonable five minutes.

And I would like you to know that I didn't take it at all personally when you chose to be comforted by Lambie instead of me.

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