Saturday, October 27, 2007

Baby Crack

I never really understood what people meant when they said "baby crack."
I mean, I get what the point is.
Like that pacifier or whatever is so addicting it's like crack. But, not being from the street or having actually tried crack, I always felt awkward saying it.

I avoided the expression (which is more common in baby circles than you'd think) in the same way I avoid writing LOL or :)

But because of the fires, we've been inside for a week.

We've been reading books and trying on hats and listening to your favorite song, Paul McCartney's "Dance Tonight," all from the comfort of our ash and smoke-free little bubble.

But those things get old after three days.

And that's when we found it. The Baby Crack.

You wake up in the morning needing a fix. The first thing you say is"Lala?"
You will not eat breakfast until I tell you we're eating "Tubby Toast."
At very random times throughout the day you run to the TV and say "Lala? Lala? Lala? Lala? Lala? Lala?"

I try not to encourage it. I think crazy things like: "If I just sit here, she will forget about it and move on."

But you keep saying it and saying it until my brain goes numb.

"Lala? Lala?"

And as you notice that I'm not turning it on for the NINTH time in one day, your voice gets more and more frantic.


Until there's nothing left for me to do but be the enabler and turn it on. Plus, now I'm one of those mommies who says "baby crack" and uses emoticons :0

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