Saturday, October 13, 2007

The truth about Lambie

Just because I have not been writing about Lambie much, does not mean you have forgotten all about him. The truth is, that stuffed lamb blanket thing is the real love of your life.
More than me. And, if you can believe it, more than DAAAD.

Lambie used to just be the thing in your crib that made you feel better at night. Then he became the thing that comforted you when you were sad or hurt. But recently the love affair has become much more serious.

The first sign was when you started saying Lambie all properlike: "laMBie."

Lately, if Lambie is not in your range of vision you will freak out. You will stop whatever it is you're doing - reading books or playing with my cell phone or eating ketchup with a spoon - and go get him. You give him a kiss, put him somewhere visible and go back to your mischievous activities.

So, today, you left the room for quite some time.
And it was really quiet.
And you know what they say about how if a baby is quiet it means you will walk into that room to find that baby setting the house on fire.
And, OK, once when we didn't check on you for a full five minutes, you walked into the living room with a weird look on your face only to discover you had dunked Lambie in the toilet.

But, back to today.
We went to check on you because it was unusually quiet. But instead of finding you with a fistfull of electrical sockets, you were sitting on the floor with Lambie and an empty cup. We walked in to hear you say "agua?" And then give Lambie some make-believe water to drink.

OK. So, do I just think this is amazing because I'm your mom and 8.5 months pregnant and totally emotional?

I mean, since when do you know how to share and imagine and be so caring?
I just really hope these qualities stick around when we bring Ella home.

On a totally unrelated note, I downloaded the new Radiohead album, "In Rainbows." It is amazing. The band leaked its own album online for a "pay what you want" price, with free being an option.
I paid 5 pounds which came out to be about $11.
I think it will be a bit too complex for you, with its jazzy parts and erratic vocals. But then again, you have been surprising me with your musical taste lately.
Like when I played the first song off the new PJ Harvey record, when it was done you said, "mas? mas?"

Actually, maybe that was just as amazing and emotional for me as this whole glass of water thing.

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