Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Sixteen months

Hi Beans,
On Sunday you turned 16 months, which is a big deal because this is the month you become a big sister.

I've been saying it for a long time now. Things like, "they'll be 16 months apart, crazy."
But now it's actually here.

And even though you don't really understand what's about to happen, you are stepping into your soon-to-be role quite nicely.

We installed the baby car seat next to your car seat and instead of getting all weird and moody, you pointed to it and said "baby."
This morning, you fed yourself yogurt without spilling most of it on your pajamas.
You also share, with real people, not just Lambie. Even if it's a chocolate chip cookie that is split between me and DAAD and your uncle B.

I imagine this new phase will be hard for you. You won't want to go to daycare when everyone else gets to stay home. I'm sure, in a way, it may be even harder for you than it will be for us.

So I just wanted to tell you, before our life goes totally crazy, how proud I am of what a smart, sweet, funny girl you are. And even though you will have tantrums and throw food on the floor and bite things, you are nonetheless going to be a wonderful big sister.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

my dear marina,

i wish i could just reach into this photograph and scoop you up and hug you to me.

i would love to see your face and kiss the top of your head!

you are going to be a Wonderful Big Sister...and i am going to love seeing you very soon.

i can't wait!

your very own,