Monday, March 24, 2008

Four months

An update on little Ella.
She weighs 14 1/2 pounds. That is just about 8 pounds less than you. And that is because you do not eat. Yesterday at a party, you had three pieces of rice. And 12 grapes.
This morning you had three bites of Cheerios and then cried for "MORE HAPPY!!! MORE HAPPY!"
HAPPY is actually a show called Yo Gabba Gabba! I didn't know crack/heroin could be administered in TV form, but I guess it is. Apparently, it's better than food.

But, back to Ella.
She is also tall. 25 inches.
She is taller and bigger than 75 percent of all 4-month-olds.
And thanks to you, she's on her way to getting hooked on the HAPPY.

1 comment:

Jacky said...

It's payback huh? for all your travesuras...