Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Not that different

Since Ella was born, I've been saying that she's got my personality and Marina has Matt's. Marina and Matt are easily frustrated and they're always sobusydoingstuff it's hard to keep up with them. Ella, however, loves to just kick it and be mellow.

But now that she's bigger, (8 months tomorrow!) she's showing a new side to her easygoing personality. She is just as - if not more - intense than her dad and sister combined. Um. How did this even happen? Is it because I leave for work early in the morning leaving her in the care of her father for two hours? Because I drank coffee while I was pregnant?

Ella seems to be really focussed. Especially if it involves a piece of paper. When she has paper in her hands, the entire world revolves around it - especially if it comes from the pages of Vogue or Runner's World. She touches it and licks it and bangs it on the ground and does things I didn't even know could be done with paper.

Of course, eating paper isn't exactly something babies should be doing. Especially ones with no teeth. So I take the paper away. And little, sweet, mellow Ella tenses her whole body and turns red and screams. And that's followed by a high-pitched grunt that escalates to a tantrum. ALREADY.

And I just watch her. Shocked and terrified. And immediately return her piece of paper. Paper's made out of nature anyway, right?

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