Friday, July 18, 2008

Working Mom

This last week has been very intense.
See, I had to make a decision. A life-changing decision. And it took a lot of introspection to get to my answer.

So basically I was offered a job as the editor-in-chief of a local Jewish magazine for a teeny, tiny bit more money than I was making. But really it was more involved than just the money. I had to decide who I was.

The magazine is a monthly. So my hours would have been shorter and I would have had a few extra hours to spend with the girls each day. Plus I liked the idea of coming up with story ideas and delegating and writing a column.

But then there was the issue of going from a very very big publication to a much smaller and specialized one. And it's not like I was unhappy where I was. I mean, I've been able to travel and write about music and put together fashion shoots.

I had to decide: was my ride over? Was it time for me to be more of a mom who still gets to write, but on a smaller level? Or do I still have that "fire," as they like to say.

Turns out, I still have it. I'm not ready to leave.

Right now it may mean that I spend an hour or two less with the Beans and the Beela but I hope that overall, it means I will be a happier parent. And sure, it's hard right now since I can't really go out and cover local music if I'm in bed by 10 p.m. Hopefully those things will work themselves out in time.

But I hope that when they're old enough to know, they can see that they don't have to sacrifice who they are to be happy. Because I almost did. But those little girls inspired me to be true to myself.

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