Sunday, September 14, 2008


Every now and then, it gets kind of annoying that Marina has a cooler haircut than I do.

Trust me, if I had such amazingly straight and golden hair like hers, I'd go out and get "The Marina" this very minute. But I don't.

And, like, every time we go somewhere, I get comments about how great her hair is and I have to be all, "Yeah, I know, she's way more stylish than me."

Even the alternative-looking girls at the Children's Museum recognize Marina's potential hipsteriness and take a special liking to her. These are girls with similar haircuts and dangly earrings and skinny jeans that I would want as my own friends, but I'm just the dorky mom with the too-clean Chuck Taylors.

But I would like to remind Miss Marina what her hair used to look like back in the 06s.

Though some would argue that a natural-born mohawk sort out-cools anyone in the land.

1 comment:

Barbara Gavin said...

Too funny. Good to keep Marina in her place - you don't want her to *know* how jealous you are. Yet.