Saturday, January 29, 2011

Charter school meltdown

Last week, I went to see another school called San Diego Cooperative Charter, or SD Co-Op, or SDCC.

I should have gone straight home to write about how great it was. How it has a giant garden and (relatively) small class size and cool parents. About how logistically it's perfect for us. And how they have an in-house run after-school program that includes things like dance and Spanish.

But as I was enjoying my parent-led tour (all parents are required to volunteer a certain amount of hours there), we were told that due to an outrageously high number of sibling enrollments, there would only be 18 spots open for next year. And they already had 150 applications turned in with more on the way.

The whole thing just got so frustrating. Not specifically at the Co-Op, but the crazy charter lottery thing in general. It's like, what's the point? Why am I spending two hours here - or at any charter school - when the chances of actually getting in are ridiculous? And why is it that this kind of education is only available to people who can luck into it?

Obviously I'm not going to fix the education system, but this project has really allowed me to see a side of the city - both good and bad - I had never experienced.


So, thankfully SDCC was my last charter tour. And even more thankfully, Monday is my absolute last public school tour!

Good thing I already found my new obsession, the Wii Fit. Hopefully I'll burn off all the calories I gained from stress-related cocktails.


Elaine said...

I'm a parent at SDCCS and I'm glad you found it as lovely as we do. I feel extremely fortunate that we got into a school that so beautifully fits our needs & that we didn't have to come up with a huge tuition to do it. I'm deeply thankful for the lottery system, though found it nerve wracking when applying.

There is talk of expanding the school to an additional campus as soon as next year, though nothing is settled yet. Keep the faith, you might still get into the school you want!

And if you have questions about the school, please ask!

nina said...

That new campus is actually the school we'd be slated to go to if I wasn't renting out my condo right now.

I hate to see a public school go, but I'd be extremely happy if SDCCS turned it around. I'd love for it to be a place want to get into rather than transfer away from.

I thought SDCCS would give us our best odds, but this is an unlucky year for that school. And strangely, it's a better odds year at Explorer.

Thanks for your message and for reading!

Elaine said...

Have you heard anything about soil quality at Explorer? I understand there was some unfavorable tests, though don't know much about it.

And remember that unfavorable odds don't mean impossible. Someone has to take those 18 spots; could be you!