Thursday, November 22, 2007

Liveblogging: Thanksgiving Salt Sticks Hour 4

So, DAAAD made his best batch of Salt Sticks, ever, which probably had something to do with this look.

This is the kind of look that says, "my daddy is perfect and would never burn the bread," even though he totally burned the bread the first time he made this with me. But anyway. That kind of look is a lot of pressure for a man. Good thing your City Hall-reporting DAAAD is used to this kind of stress.

You were supposed to share the first piece with me. But you ran off with it to the fireplace.

Same with this one.

You didn't share the third piece either. But, uh, yeah, that's OK because this one looks like it's been infused with crazy juice.

Happy Thanksgiving!
(No, no baby yet.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice work on eating those salt sticks, marina!

i think the crazy juice one was mine!

happy thanksgiving to you guys...and a kiss on the baby for any-day-now Ella Bella.
