Friday, April 25, 2008

Happy 5 Months, Ella

I was trying to take a portrait of Ella while she was sitting on my lap. But I'm obviously used to taking portraits of myself I guess, so the first attempt did not work whatsoever.
Hello, Me!

This one, yes, is super cute. But it's way too close and it makes her look rounder than she really is. I mean, I'm not fooling anyone, Ella is already 15 pounds. She's big. But I swear, she's not this roundy.

By the time I got it right, Ella was totally over it.


Barbara Gavin said...

Where is your husband when you need him for photos????

becky s said...

my little guy is 2 days older than ella. how cool!

Karianna said...

Hmmm. I know a baby Ella, too. But she is almost a year old. Love the name: LOVE IT.