Friday, May 2, 2008

A new fear (and 100th post!)

The first time you saw a fly was a few weeks ago, when you were delirious with the fever of 08.

We don't have a screen door, so when we go outside and forget to close the glass door, all sorts of creatures find their way inside the house, and that includes lots and lots of flies.

They didn't seem to bug you when you had the fever because maybe you thought they were part of your hallucinations? I mean, I can see how new little black things with wings flying around can be pretty trippy.

But flies post-fever are the most troubling thing going on in your life right now. You seriously flip out if they come near you. You tell them no, you say no in sign language, your eyes swell with tears and you get very agitated.

The thing is, it's also the cutest thing. I mean, the way you get so so upset at the flies and how you're so genuine about it shows me this really sweet part of your personality.

And I mean, not that I leave the door open on purpose or anything, but I'm not going to order a screen anytime soon.

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