Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A typical day with an opinionated two-year-old

"I don't want to go to school. School is broken."

"I don't want strawberries. Strawberries are too big."

"I don't like socks. Socks are too tiny."

"I don't want to wear training pants. Training pants are broken."

"I don't want to go to Playhouse Cafe. I am sleeping."

"I don't want to go to bed. The bed is closed."

"I don't want milk. Milk is too big."


M said...

you are too adorable, nina. we love the Mother.

Barbara Gavin said...

Sounds like Marina needs some more adjectives besides big and broken. I will see what Grandpa Doug can do.

Kim said...

I have to say that she is a lyrical genius!! If you replaced "school" with "work" she pretty much captures how I feel everymorning when I wake up.