Friday, February 22, 2008

Caring too much about fashion.

Ella started wearing your old clothes this week.
You don't even care or seem to notice. Strange enough, It's me who has the problem. I don't know why, but it feels very surreal to see these outfits on Ella.

Maybe because I feel like your newborn phase was ages ago, but when I look at the onesie with the owls, or the one with the fruits, I realize it actually wasn't so long ago.

It wasn't so long ago that we spent hours and hours rocking in the chair to stop you from crying. Or that you were sick for three months with different colds. Or even that long ago that you were in my belly, kicking me every time I played that Phoenix song.

I mean, I have blouses with the tags still on them that are older than all of that stuff combined. And seeing your outfits, the ones you wore to your first days of daycare or to our park excursions, well it made me a little nostalgic.

And the thing is, Ella looks super cute in those outfits and is all smiley in them, as if she knows I'll one day get all weepy about her own adventures in the fruited onesie.

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