Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ketchup! For dinner!

For the past few days I've been meaning to write about how you much prefer eating condiments to actual food. How I took you to the Greek restaurant by our house and all you ate was the yogurt sauce with a few sprinkles of rice for nutritional value. Or when we went to get pancakes, you literally just licked the fancy whipped butter off every bite we gave you.

But then Daddy bought us these fancy new phones.

And. Photos!!

Here is what Ella looks like these days.

So, yeah, go ahead and eat your mustard and apple sauce lunch. I'll be on the couch, taking pictures . . .

1 comment:

M said...

hahaha! more ketchup! more butter! more photos!

look at you two! you are BOTH darling! just darling...i love you to pieces...ella-bella! and sweet nina! you are so darling...look at those faces!

the Perfect valentine.

kiss kiss. hug hug.
