Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Diaper-free crying

Today Marina cried for THREE hours. THREE!
Do you even understand the concept of crying for THREE hours? Non-stop crying that included many bouts of screaming. Not even Dora or Diego or DJ Lance could save the day.

At one point I even grabbed a beer hoping it would calm my stress, but I had three sips and now I have a headache.

Marina had a fever. After a dose of Motrin, she snapped back to normal. It was so odd to see her screaming and then, like, minutes later, something went off in her brain and she switched back to sing-songy Marina as if nothing happened.

So, whatever those Twitter moms have against Motrin, they are insane. Plus, wearing a baby is fashionable, I know I invested plenty of money in having cute baby carriers.

That was a weird tangent. Sorry.

I'm taking a very long time to say that even after the worst night in the world, Marina decided she wanted to sleep without diapers!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Oh are a strong woman. :)