Monday, November 17, 2008

Just Kickin' It, Kickin' It

Wouldn't you know. The day after I make a promise to the internet, I get hit with Pink Eye Day.

Ella and Marina stayed home from school because their eyes are leaking boogers. And it's disgusting. Plus they hate getting eye drops, so it's that much more fun.

On top of Pink Eye Day, it appears that I've walked in to Sore Throat Evening.

You can tell how sick I am feeling because I'm making up stupid names like Pink Eye Day and Sore Throat Evening.

But a promise is a promise. And here I am.

Unfortunately, I am too grumpy to tell any stories.

So here is a picture of the girls being all white trash, kicking it in on their lawn chairs the driveway. It's titled: Just Kickin' It, Kickin' It, which is how Marina says it:

1 comment:

Kim said...

YAY a post!! I'm sorry that your not feeling well.